Wednesday 30 September 2015

Top PPD Network The One Networks

#1 Networks On The One Networks

My Views to TON :

From my point of view TON(The One Networks) is a great network because they are providing all possible concept for earn money to their publishers and also because,let suppose if you manage more blog with different niche each,then you need to find and signup network suitable for earn money for particular niche like free software niche website monetize their site by shrink url and upload file on simple PPD network.
so the publisher earnings will distribute among different network and need to wait to reached minimum payout.
So that is why "TON(The One Networks) is a great network" because your all earning will calculate on same site which help you reach minimum payout more faster. :)

See TON(The One Networks) detail in brief  below :

Who they are?:
They are providing all possible Ad Concepts to our Publishers to start earning money from Day-One. Make money with every Impression, every View, every Click, every Download.

You can earn through:

1. Pay Per Download Network (File Locker)- Lock your premium file such as software,ebook and earn $1+ when someone download file.

2. File Sharing/Hosting - Upload any file and earn when some one download file from our server.

3. Link Locker[ - Mask your URL with the shortened URL in our site. When a visitor try to open the link in his browser, he will be asked to fill a survey to unlock the link.

4. Link Shorten - Shorten URL is same as Link Locker, but here the visitor have to wait 5 seconds in our Ad landing page to open the link in his browser.

5. Ad Networks (Ad Server) - Add the HTML code we provide in your Website or blog, in the place you want. We show ads from our Ad server on Contextual basis. You have option to choose between Banner Ads and Text Ads.

They are providing 7 banner and 4 in-text size ads which are based on contextual and non contextual advertising.
You will start earning on the first day of joining.

Some tool they are giving to their publishers:
They have various tools such as text
1. Ad Customization-  Customize ad text color,box color, by using Ad Customization tool.
2. Keyword Research Tool - In their keywords research tool service you can search unlimited keyword for your niche to improve your post in the search engine or search engine optimization.

Payment Policy:
They have two payment schedule which means if you got your payment on 1st date of month then your eligible to get your payment every week for that month.All major payment method is accept there and TON minimum payout is $20/-.

Here is My Payment Proof:

 Earned Through File Locker + File Hosting + Link shortening + Link Locker + Ad Server = $928.58

Again My Views:
From my point of view TON(The One Networks) is a great network because they are providing all possible concept for earn money to their publishers and also because,let suppose if you manage more blog with different niche each,then you need to find and signup network suitable for earn money for particular niche like free software niche website monetize their site by shrink url and upload file on simple PPD network.
so the publisher earnings will distribute among different network and need to wait to reached minimum payout.
So that is why "TON(The One Networks) is a great network" because your all earning will calculate on same site which help you reach minimum payout more faster. :)

Help them by giving suggestion to them at and get bonus upto $100+ 


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